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< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Dutch King Expresses Solidarity with Slovakia to President Caputova

Na snímke vo vládnej limuzíne predseda vlády Robert Fico po streľbe na výjazdovom rokovaní vlády v Handlovej v okrese Prievidza v stredu 15. mája 2024. Foto: TASR - Radovan Stoklasa

On Thursday (May 16), the President had a telephone conversation with King Felipe VI of Spain, too.

Bratislava, May 17 (TASR) - Dutch King Willem-Alexander voiced solidarity and support for Slovakia over Wednesday's (May 15) attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) life in a telephone conversation with President Zuzana Caputova, TASR learnt from President's spokesperson Martin Strizinec on Friday.

"He [Willem-Alexander] wished speedy recovery to the Prime Minister and calm to Slovakia," claimed Strizinec, adding that expressions of solidarity have been addressed to the President by heads of state from across the world. On Thursday (May 16), the President had a telephone conversation with King Felipe VI of Spain, too.

Prime Minister Fico was heavily injured by multiple gunshots fired off by a 71-year-old man of Levice on Wednesday. Fico is currently hospitalised in Banska Bystrica in a stable but serious state.