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< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Orban: Following Attempt on Fico's Life, We Must Fight for Peace Alone

Viktor Orban. Foto: TASR/AP

TASR learnt the news from its special correspondent in Budapest.

Budapest/Bratislava, May 16 (TASR-correspondent) - After the 2023 parliamentary election, Slovakia set out on the path of promoting peace, which posed a great help for Hungary, but Wednesday's (May 15) attempt on Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico's life has put the brakes on the process and Hungary has been left in its peacekeeping efforts alone, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban posted on Facebook on Thursday.

TASR learnt the news from its special correspondent in Budapest.

"An attempt on the Slovak Prime Minister's life was committed by a leftist activist. Robert Fico won't be active for work in the most important months to come. We hope for his recovery, but have been left standing alone in our fight for peace for the time being. We must fight twice as hard from now on. The European election has become more important than ever. The violence must end!" posted Orban.