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< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Premier Fico Still in Intensive Care

Na snímke novinári počas tlačovej konferencie v areáli Rooseveltovej nemocnice v Banskej Bystrici 16. mája 2024. Foto: TASR - Ján Krošlák

In this connection, the Government Office again asked the media, politicians and the public to base their opinions on officially communicated information and to verify the facts.

Bratislava/Banska Bystrica, May 17 (TASR) - Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) is still being treated in the intensive care unit at Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica, the Government Office has informed TASR, adding that it will provide the public with further information about his condition as soon as the situation allows for it.

In this connection, the Government Office again asked the media, politicians and the public to base their opinions on officially communicated information and to verify the facts. "Incorrect and misleading information has appeared in the media even after Thursday's (May 16) press conference given by cabinet members and the security forces," stated the office, adding that misleading or false information or speculation are not helpful in terms of calming down the situation and unnecessarily contribute towards tension and polarisation in society.

At the same time, the Government Office asked the media to limit discussions on websites and social networks and to refrain from programmes with confrontational or conflicting content regarding the assassination attempt on the premier.