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Smer-SD and Voice-SD to Tone Down Their Activities in EP Campaign

Ilustračná snímka. Foto: TASR

Sutaj Estok also confirmed the toning down of campaign activities in Voice-SD.

Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) - Both the Smer-SD and Voice-SD parties will be toning down their activities in the campaign for the European Parliament (EP) elections in the near future, representatives of the parties, Vice-Premier and Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) and Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) stated on Thursday in connection with the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) and the declared efforts to calm society.

"There will certainly be a reassessment of the intensity of the campaign, but I don't think we'll change the policy we've been pursuing, which is based on a direct discussion with citizens,"
Kalinak told a press conference.

Sutaj Estok also confirmed the toning down of campaign activities in Voice-SD. "This is also a call by Voice-SD to stop campaigning for a certain period of time, to stop confronting each other," he said, admitting that one of the reasons for the campaign being toned down was that Voice-SD EP election slate leader Branislav Becik has been a victim of threats.