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< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Sutaj Estok: All Police Officers in Field

Matúš Šutaj Eštok (Hlas-SD). Foto: TASR - Jaroslav Novák

The minister explained that monitored sites and buildings include shopping malls, homes of political representatives, state offices and the editorial offices of several media.

Bratislava, May 20 (TASR) - The deployment of police officers in the field has increased by 30 to 40 percent following the assassination attempt on Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD), Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) reported on Sunday, adding that the police are monitoring highly frequented sites, including hospitals, as well as state representatives and other individuals at potential risk.

"Literally all police officers are in the field, they are on the streets," Sutaj Estok claimed, assuring the public that they are doing their utmost to guarantee the safety of people in Slovakia.

The minister explained that monitored sites and buildings include shopping malls, homes of political representatives, state offices and the editorial offices of several media. As for people, the police are watching over politicians who've received death threats and top state officials.

At the same time, the minister reported that the Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) has learnt that hospitals in the country could face a wave of bomb threats in the near future.