Spravodajský portál Tlačovej agentúry Slovenskej republiky
Sobota 1. jún 2024Meniny má Žaneta


Koalícia navrhla uznesenie, ktorým majú poslanci odsúdiť útok na Fica

Koalícia v uznesení apeluje tiež na zmierňovanie napätia v spoločnosti. Zdôrazňuje, že ľudia nesmú byť terčom nenávisti pre svoje politické názory.,aktualizované 

Caputova Meets Kalinak and Offers to Visit Fico in Hospital

Caputova claimed that she was told Fico's condition is improving, adding that this news pleases her.

Meeting of Heads of Parliamentary Parties at Palace Cancelled

The President's Office will announce if the meeting is rescheduled to another date. ,aktualizované 

SaS Preparing Criminal Complaint over Multiplying Threats to Members

SaS vice-chair Maria Kolikova warned that the threats no longer appear only on the internet, but are also delivered via letters that are addressed to SaS representatives as well as their relatives.

Zastupiteľstvo Trenčianskeho Kraja odsúdilo atentát na Fica

Zastupiteľstvo TSK takisto vyzvalo volených zástupcov na všetkých úrovniach verejného života a občanov k upokojeniu spoločenskej situácie

Sutaj Estok: All Police Officers in Field

The minister explained that monitored sites and buildings include shopping malls, homes of political representatives, state offices and the editorial offices of several media.

Premier's Condition Stable, He's Improving Clinically

Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica posted on a social network that the premier is communicating.,aktualizované 

Security Council and Defence and Security Committee to Be Convened...

Security Council and Defence and Security Committee to Be Convened Next Week.

Sutaj Estok: Version That Perpetrator Wasn't Lone Wolf Also Being...

Sutaj Estok: Version That Perpetrator Wasn't Lone Wolf Also Being Investigated.

Security Council and House Defence & Security Committee to Be...

Security Council and House Defence & Security Committee to Be Convened Next Week.