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Kalinak: Premier's Condition Still Serious, Life Not Out of Danger

Na snímke Robert Kaliňák a Matúš Šutaj Eštok na brífingu, kde informujú o stave premiéra. Foto: TASR

Kalinak said that the extent of the injuries caused by four gunshot wounds is extensive. Doctors managed to stabilise Fico's condition, but his life isn't out of danger yet, added the vice-premier.

Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) - The condition of Premier Robert Fico (Smer-SD) is still serious, Vice-premier and Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) announced on Thursday afternoon.

Kalinak said that the extent of the injuries caused by four gunshot wounds is extensive. Doctors managed to stabilise Fico's condition, but his life isn't out of danger yet, added the vice-premier.

"Unfortunately, I cannot yet state that we are winning or that the prognosis is positive, as the extent of the injuries caused by the four gunshot wounds is so extensive that the body's response will still be very demanding," said Kalinak.

The team at Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica continues to take care of the premier. Kalinak expressed his full confidence in the medical staff, nurses, doctors and surgeons, who have set up treatment so that the premier's health can improve. At the same time, he thanked people for supportive messages for Fico.

The minister promised to inform the media on developments in Fico's condition on a regular basis.