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Kalinak: Special Cabinet Session on EU Funds to be Held Next Week

Na snímke sprava podpredseda vlády a minister obrany SR Robert Kaliňák (Smer-SD) a minister zahraničných vecí a európskych záležitostí Juraj Blanár (Smer-SD) prichádzajú na mimoriadne rokovanie vlády SR a zasadnutie Bezpečnostnej rady SR v Bratislave vo štvrtok 16. mája 2024. Foto: TASR - Pavel Neubauer

In Kalinak's view, the government must continue pushing its policies at the pace set by Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD).

Bratislava, May 17 (TASR) - An extraordinary session of the government on European funds will take place next week, Vice-premier and Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) announced in his post on social media on Friday.

In Kalinak's view, the government must continue pushing its policies at the pace set by Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD). "Next week, aside from a regular session of the government, there will be also a special one on the EU Funds," he said.

The Government Office reported on Friday that the regular cabinet session is slated for Wednesday, May 22, and will be headed by Kalinak.