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< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Leaders from All over World Express Their Solidarity to Slovak Premier

Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico was taken to a hospital in Banská Bystrica yesterday (15.5) after the shooting. Police are pictured on the grounds of Roosevelt Hospital and Polyclinic in Banská Bystrica on May 16, 2024. Foto: TASR - Ján Krošlák

The Foreign Ministry has so far received numerous personal, telephone and written expressions of sincere solidarity with the Slovak prime minister from 77 countries around the world.

Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) - More than 200 leaders of countries from all over the world and major international organisations have expressed their solidarity with Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD), the Foreign Affairs Ministry told TASR, adding that more reactions are coming in constantly.

The Foreign Ministry has so far received numerous personal, telephone and written expressions of sincere solidarity with the Slovak prime minister from 77 countries around the world. These included presidents, premiers, ministers, MPs and political representatives, members of the diplomatic corps, embassies, high representatives, secretaries-general, commissioners and presidents of international organisations.

"I thank for the humanity shown and, above all, the support to Prime Minister Robert Fico and at the same time to the whole of Slovakia. I particularly appreciate that representatives across all continents of the world have condemned this insidious act. Such an attack on Slovak democracy is a potential threat to all democracies in the world," stressed Foreign and European Affairs Minister Juraj Blanar (Smer-SD), adding that several countries expressed shock and horror at the assassination attempt.