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Streda 23. október 2024Meniny má Alojzia
< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Matovic Wishes Politicians to Comply with Jointly Adopted Resolution

Na snímke poslanec NR SR Igor Matovič (Slovensko) . Foto: TASR - Jaroslav Novák

As for the invitation of President Zuzana Caputova and her elected successor Peter Pellegrini to the round table, Matovic doesn't consider it to be a mistake.

Bratislava, May 21 (TASR) - Praising the adoption of Parliament's resolution on the assassination attempt of Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) by all MPs, leader of the 'Slovakia' party Igor Matovic wishes politicians to comply with it and to show that they want to be decent, TASR learnt on Tuesday.

"I'd be very happy for all politicians involved to enter their conscience and for the Parliament to be what it should be from now on, a pedestal, a showcase of politics," said Matovic, adding that this also means that politicians shouldn't put forward proposals that want to turn public-service broadcaster RTVS into a "handmaiden of the government". He pointed out that a decent politician isn't only one who doesn't use indecent words, but one who doesn't submit and forcefully enforce "indecent laws", noting that he also considers the law to change RTVS to be such a law.

As for the invitation of President Zuzana Caputova and her elected successor Peter Pellegrini to the round table, Matovic doesn't consider it to be a mistake. It's the other way round. However, he regrets that the politicians were looking for excuses not to sit down together. "The Slovak Parliament and Slovak politicians successfully completed their resit, agreed on a resolution and all those present voted in favour of it," he pointed out, adding that he'd like to believe that this will continue, but he isn't optimistic.