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Pellegrini: Apparently Time Isn't Yet Ripe for Roundtable of...

Na snímke Peter Pellegrini. Foto: TASR Pavel Neubauer

Pellegrini: Apparently Time Isn't Yet Ripe for Roundtable of Political Parties.

Bratislava, May 19 (TASR) - It turns out that the time isn't probably ripe for a round table of political parties, president-elect Peter Pellegrini stated on Sunday, TASR was told by Pellegrini's spokeswoman Patricia Medved Macikova.

Pellegrini convened the meeting of parliamentary parties together with incumbent head of state Zuzana Caputova following the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD). He appeals to the people not to be taken away by the negative emotions that the upcoming political battle may bring.

"If today's political scene isn't ready for mutual reconciliation, let all of us be ready for it. We're one nation, one community, one Slovakia. And each of us can contribute to reconciliation with our own part today. Regardless of whether others will do so, regardless of which political party we support," said Pellegrini.

The future president points out that the purpose of the convened meeting of parliamentary political parties was to try to reach agreement on the basic rules of decent political behaviour and to appeal to voters for restraint and calming down. "However, recent days and press conferences have shown that some politicians are simply incapable of basic self-reflection even after such a tragedy. It is as if they haven't understood that it is their actions, statements and disgusting attacks so far - not on competing political ideas, but on their bearers - that have fundamentally contributed to the tensions in our society," said Pellegrini.