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Sobota 8. jún 2024Meniny má Medard
< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Police Take Action Against Hate Attacks on Social Media After...

Zdravotníci prevážajú na nosidlách postreleného predsedu vlády Roberta Fica z helikoptéry do nemocnice v Banskej Bystrici 15. mája 2024. Fica v stredu po výjazdovom rokovaní vlády v Handlovej postrelili. Na mieste padlo niekoľko výstrelov, útočníka zadržali. Foto: TASR - Ján Krošlák

Police Take Action Against Hate Attacks on Social Media After the Shooting

Bratislava, May 17 (TASR) - Police have registered an enormous number of derogatory and hateful comments against Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) following his shooting as well as attacks on voters and representatives of opposition parties on social media, TASR learnt on Friday.

The Police Corps Presidium assured the public that all suspicious posts are being thoroughly assessed.

"We can confirm that we're thoroughly assessing all suspicious posts that were either reported to us or discovered during our checks. The posts in question are being analysed by our specialised departments and forwarded to relevant police bodies that conduct investigations in such matters," reported the police, adding that there are dozens of cases.