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SaS Preparing Criminal Complaint over Multiplying Threats to Members

SaS chairman Branislav Groehling. Foto: TASR - Jaroslav Novák

SaS vice-chair Maria Kolikova warned that the threats no longer appear only on the internet, but are also delivered via letters that are addressed to SaS representatives as well as their relatives.

Bratislava, May 20 (TASR) - The opposition Freedom and Solidarity (SaS) party is set to file a criminal complaint over multiplying threats against SaS representatives and members, party spokesman Ondrej Sprlak reported on Monday.

"We are in intensive contact with the police. Multiplying threats against a number of our representatives cross the line. A politician has to tolerate a certain degree of criticism, but if one's family starts receiving letters reading that they have to die, that's unacceptable," said SaS chairman Branislav Groehling.

"Unfortunately, the assassination attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) has not deterred some, but, on the contrary, has encouraged them to spread more hatred. We must stop this," added Groehling.

SaS vice-chair Maria Kolikova warned that the threats no longer appear only on the internet, but are also delivered via letters that are addressed to SaS representatives as well as their relatives. "We cannot tolerate this. Our families, and certainly not our children, mustn't be part of this hateful, intimidating political struggle," said Kolikova, adding that politicians must condemn hateful rhetoric.