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Streda 23. október 2024Meniny má Alojzia
< sekcia News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Voice-SD Believes Resolution Is Beginning of New Political Culture

Na snímke poverený predseda NR SR Peter Žiga (Hlas-SD). Foto: TASR - Jaroslav Novák

The Voice-SD party highlighted that the resolution applies to political parties as well as representatives of the non-governmental sector and the media.

Bratislava, May 21 (TASR) - The coalition Voice-SD party praises the adoption of a resolution condemning the attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD) in Parliament, expressing a belief that this is the beginning of a new political culture, Parliamentary Vice-chair Peter Ziga (Voice-SD), who has been temporarily entrusted with the powers of the House chair, said at a press conference on Tuesday.

"Voice considers important not only the content of the resolution, but also the fact that it received unequivocal support from MPs across the political spectrum. The fact that parliamentary political parties were able to agree on a common position on the assassination attempt on democracy and to condemn it unequivocally gives Slovakia hope for the future that the political battle could return to the framework of basic political culture and bring more arguments than shallow hatred," he stated.

The Voice-SD party highlighted that the resolution applies to political parties as well as representatives of the non-governmental sector and the media. "Easing tensions in Slovakia must be the goal and responsibility of all parts of social life," noted Ziga, also praising the calm discussion in Parliament. "It's a good example for the public that all political camps can agree in important moments," he added.