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Streda 23. október 2024Meniny má Alojzia

News in English: Attack on Prime Minister

Charges against Man Who Shot Premier Reclassified as Terrorist Attack

The man was originally being prosecuted for premeditated murder, and he's been informed of the change, added Prosecutor-General's Office spokeswoman Zuzana Drobova.

SaS:Fico's Speech Directly Contradicts Calls for Calming Down Tensions

SaS responded this way to a video posted by Fico on Facebook and took objection to Fico's effort to associate the shooter with SaS and its politics.

Holeckova:Slovakia to Emerge Even More Divided Following Fico's Speech

Holeckova said this in response to Fico's first speech on Facebook, released after he survived the May 15 assassination attempt.

Simecka: First Fico's Post-shooting Speech Politically Disappointing

Simecka pointed out that in the video the Prime Minister spends 14 minutes blaming the media, opposition, artists, the EU and foreign partners.

Premier Might Return to Work at Turn of June and July

Fico doesn't plan to take any action against the man who shot him and forgives him. ,aktualizované 

Survey: Politicians Should Try to Calm Down Situation in Slovakia

Only four percent expressed an opposite opinion and three percent had no opinion on the matter.

Coalition to Debate Schedule of Measures for Lex Assassination Attempt

According to Kalinak, the first wave should concern security measures for all those who are at risk of expressions of hate or other problems in connection with carrying out their profession.

Estok: New Security Measures to Be Discussed by Government Next Week

Sutaj Estok outlined that restrictions on the location of protests could relate to protecting the homes of state officials and opposition representatives.

Kalinak Denies That Smer-SD Is Abusing Assassination Attempt to...

The vice-premier criticised the PS' statements and said it hasn't learnt from the events of the past few days, also expressing a belief that the party feels guilty.

Kalinak: Fico Continues to Undergo Rehabilitation Therapies

Kalinak said that he couldn't gauge whether Fico is planning to deliver a public statement any time soon.

PS: Smer Abusing Assassination Attempt on Fico in EP Campaign

PS's number one candidate in the EP election Ludovit Odor said that Smer is pushing Slovakia towards the East.

Blanar: It Will Take Months for Fico to Return Back to Work

Blanar informed his counterparts from NATO countries about the condition of Fico at their meeting in Prague on Thursday (May 30) and Friday.

Premier Discharged from Banska Bystrica Hospital, to Be Treated...

Premier Discharged from Banska Bystrica Hospital, to Be Treated at Home,aktualizované 

Medical Check-ups Confirm That Premier Is on Mend

The hospital further announced that the process of rehabilitation has now begun.

Fico to Go Straight into Home Care When He's Discharged from Hospital

According to her, the hospital's medical board will decide when the premier can be discharged, and when this takes place, he'll go straight into home care, which is what Fico allegedly wishes.

First Measures to Address Security Situation Could Be Presented...

First Measures to Address Security Situation Could Be Presented Next Week

Sutaj Estok: Premier Fico's Bodyguards Did Their Utmost...

Sutaj Estok: Premier Fico's Bodyguards Did Their Utmost, Saved his Life

Simecka Urges Sutaj Estok to Answer Shooting-related Questions

PS also rejects the effort of Voice-SD and Smer-SD ministers to blame the opposition and media for the assault.

Kalinak: Fico Beginning to Reach Stage When Recovery Could Start...

Kalinak: Fico Beginning to Reach Stage When Recovery Could Start in Full Swing

PM's Recovery Progressing in Line with Expectations, Condition ...

PM's Recovery Progressing in Line with Expectations, Condition Satisfactory

Justice Ministry Sees No Reason to Form Commission to Investigate...

Justice Ministry Sees No Reason to Form Commission to Investigate Attack on PM.

Ondrus: Pellegrini Called for Calming Down of Society Even Before...

Ondrus: Pellegrini Called for Calming Down of Society Even Before Election.

Ondrus: Pellegrini Called for Calming Down of Society Even Before...

Ondrus: Pellegrini Called for Calming Down of Society Even Before Election.

Zilinka Finds Proposal to Form International Investigation...

Zilinka said this on Tuesday in response to a proposal tabled by the opposition's SaS party earlier in the day.

SaS Proposes Forming Commission to Investigate Assassination...

Branislav Groehling added that stopping vulgar and personal attacks against the media, journalists and political opponents would also contribute towards a reconciliation of society.

Government Office: Slow Improvements in Fico's Condition

Fico suffered multiple gunshot wounds following the government away-from-home session in town of Handlova on May 15.

Court: Man Who Shot Robert Fico to Stay in Police Custody

The decision is final and cannot be appealed.

Government Office: Hospital Confirms Gradual Improvement...

Government Office: Hospital Confirms Gradual Improvement in Premier's Condition

Premier's Condition Develops in Line with Prognoses

Fico was seriously injured by multiple gunshots fired by a 71-year-old man after an away-from-home session of the government in the town of Handlova (Trencin region) on May 15.

Sutaj Estok Ready to Draw Consequences if Security Detail Failed

If some people failed, they will be held responsible, stated Sutaj Estok, adding that the head of the Office for the Protection of Constitutional Officials enjoys his full trust.

Premier's Condition Improved, Doctors Confirm on Saturday

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) added that the premier is being informed about the situation in the country and that his condition is stable.

Premier's Condition Improved, Doctors Confirm on Saturday

Fico is being treated at the Roosevelt Hospital in Banska Bystrica.

Sutaj Estok: NAKA Dealing with 153 Motions Related to Approval of...

Sutaj Estok: NAKA Dealing with 153 Motions Related to Approval of Crime or Hate

Orban: We're in Touch with Slovak Secret Service, Have Intel on Fico..

TASR learnt the news from its special correspondent in Budapest.

Fico's Condition Still Grave, But Stable

Fico was seriously injured by multiple gunshots fired by a 71-year-old man after an away-from-home session of the government in the town of Handlova on May 15.

Premier Fico Remains in Serious but Stable Condition

Fico was heavily injured by multiple gunshots fired by 71-year-old man after an away-from-home session of the government in the town of Handlova.

Zilinka: Current Legal Classification of Fico's Shooting Might...

Zilinka: Current Legal Classification of Fico's Shooting Might Still Get Changed

Sutaj Estok: Police Investigating 48 Cases of Hateful Speech and ...

"It's highly likely that the number of investigated cases might even end up doubled," warned Sutaj Estok.

Sutaj Estok Announces Bill to Bolster Protection and Security

Parliament is slated to deliberate on this at an emergency session, with Vice-premier Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) adding that the first drafts will be discussed by the State Security Council next week.