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Business Associations Condemn Shooting of Robert Fico

Medics transport Prime Minister Robert Fico's shot from a helicopter on a stretcher to a hospital in Banská Bystrica on May 15, 2024. Foto: TASR - Ján Krošlák

The Employer Union Association (AZZZ) called the attack an inexcusable act of violence.

Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) - Wednesday's (May 15) attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) life was condemned also by business associations on Thursday.

The Employer Union Association (AZZZ) called the attack an inexcusable act of violence. "We must learn to respect different views and communicate in a polite fashion, in the way that parliamentary democracy enables. We call on political representatives as well as the general public to show solidarity in these moments and refrain from escalating tension any further," stated AZZZ and wished speedy recovery to the Prime Minister.

The attack was condemned by the Republic Union of Employers (RUZ), too. "Violence in a civilised society cannot be tolerated and an attack on a prime minister is unimaginable in 21st-century Europe. We wish quick recovery to Prime Minister Robert Fico and hope that this barbaric act will get investigated as soon as possible," said RUZ.

In the view of Slovak Chamber of Commerce and Industry President Peter Mihok, the attempt on Robert Fico's life is a sad but true outcome of inappropriate politicising and artificial polarising of Slovak society. "The society in which individual interests and disproportionate ambitions trample on basic human rights. The society that has somehow forgotten solidarity and mutual respect."