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Kalinak Supports Talks Between Parties

Robert Kaliňák. Foto: TASR - Pavel Neubauer

Kalinak has already talked with Caputova and Pellegirni.

Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) - Vice-premier and Defence Minister Robert Kalinak (Smer-SD) agrees that it's necessary to show political unity and condemn hatred across the political spectrum, and that a mutual meeting between all political parties is necessary.

Kalinak said this on Thursday in response to an initiative of outgoing President Zuzana Caputova and President-elect Peter Pellegrini, who invited leaders of all parliamentary parties to talks in the wake of Wednesday's attempt on Prime Minister Robert Fico's (Smer-SD) life.

Kalinak has already talked with Caputova and Pellegirni. "Such a discussion is certainly necessary after what happened," he underlined. "It likely won't be possible to turn the page completely and reverse everything. But let's try to move closer towards factual discussion," he said, adding that even though politicians might hold differing opinions, those shouldn't be allowed to escalate into violence or even premeditated murders. "Yes, we're surely in favour of having all of us unite and say 'no' to hatred together."

Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) added that it's necessary to start anew with a clean slate. "Let's draw a lesson from what happened yesterday and let's put a stop to any hatred. The olive branch on our side has been extended," he said.

Sutaj Estok welcomes the gesture made by Caputova and Pellegrini and the invitation to talks. "On behalf of the governing coalition, I can only say that we're ready."