Spravodajský portál Tlačovej agentúry Slovenskej republiky
Sobota 1. jún 2024Meniny má Žaneta
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SIS Condemns Attack on Premier, Urges Not to Spread Conspiracies

Putá, ilustračné foto. Foto: Teraz.sk - Jaroslav Taldík

Stated the secret service, adding that as soon as the situation permits, it will inform the public in more detail.

Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) - The Slovak Intelligence Service (SIS) has strongly condemned the attack on Prime Minister Robert Fico (Smer-SD), SIS itself posted on a social network on Thursday, calling on the public not to spread conspiracies and hate speech in the media environment and to allow space and time for all security forces of the state to work.

"The Slovak Intelligence Service assures the public that it has been in contact with the police and the most senior representatives of the state from the very first moment, it is providing the maximum assistance to the law enforcement bodies and is working like all other security forces to adopt increased security measures in connection with the above-mentioned events," stated the secret service, adding that as soon as the situation permits, it will inform the public in more detail.