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Štvrtok 13. jún 2024
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Sutaj Estok: Police Press Charges against Shooter Who Attacked Fico

Na snímke minister vnútra SR Matúš Šutaj Eštok (Hlas-SD) pred 30. rokovaním vlády SR 2. mája 2024 v Bratislave. Foto: TASR - Pavel Neubauer

The police have pressed charges against the man who caused serious injuries to Prime Minister Robert Fico with multiple gunshots on Wednesday (May 15).

Bratislava, May 16 (TASR) - The police have pressed charges against the man who caused serious injuries to Prime Minister Robert Fico with multiple gunshots on Wednesday (May 15), Interior Minister Matus Sutaj Estok (Voice-SD) announced after a session of the Slovak Security Council and the government on Thursday.

"We're working with a single version only: that this was a politically motivated act," stated the minister. The police have charged the shooter with attempted premeditated murder.

The motive of the attack was supposedly the shooter's disapproval with steps taken by the incumbent Government, such as the scrapping of the Special Prosecutor's Office, termination of the military aid to Ukraine, planned transformation of RTVS public broadcaster and the ouster of former Judicial Council's chair Jan Mazak.

"I can confirm that the suspect is not affiliated with any radicalised political group, neither on the right or left side of the spectrum," claimed Sutaj Estok, adding that the apprehended shooter is a lone wolf.

"The suspect participated in several anti-Government protests that were organised since last year," noted the Interior Minister.

The attacker's resolve was strengthened by the 2024 presidential election, the outcome of which he disliked. "Any further details are subject to an information embargo imposed by the Prosecutor-General's Office," added the minister.

According to Sutaj Estok, the police investigates 32 social media users who expressed their approval of the Wednesday's attack on Fico. "In all these cases, the National Criminal Agency (NAKA) will take action. All these people are going to be apprehended, summoned and confronted by justice and the law," he underlined.